S Apostrophe S Artist book readings
The S Apostrophe S Artist Book Reading Series is a platform for artists who make books to read from and perform their own work. It’s like poetry readings, except for artist books. And by artist books we mean the expansive version(s) of the term: zines, limited editions, fine press, open edition artist books, visual poetry, comics, animations, digital art, hybrid media, etc., but all tied to a physical book, a “physical” “book,” or other publication.
All of the readings are recorded and available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@SASreadingseries
SAS runs on community support! Please consider donating here.
We are excited about the idea of artist books readings because:
Artist books are difficult to exhibit in a manner that is conducive to reading. Performative readings are an alternative exhibition format that addresses some of the shortcomings of gallery display.
Readings could help drive distribution and sales alongside fairs and exhibitions. (Librarians, curators, and collectors-- this means we need your participation too! Readings will be an excellent opportunity to learn about and experience new books.)
We believe that readings need to become a regular part of an artist book practice, just like they are for literary authors.
Our hope for the SAS series is that it will encourage everyone in the field (artists, publishers, distros, libraries, book arts orgs, schools) to regularly host readings of their own and/or incorporate artist book makers into their already established literary readings.
All of the SAS readings will be recorded and posted in a publicly accessible digital archive to be used as a resource for artists, educators, scholars, and really anyone that might be interested in the field.
In addition to the archive of the SAS readings we also hope to put together a living history of artist book readings as a form and help to promote any readings organized by other folks.
We believe that readings could expand the general audience for artist books by providing more public spaces to encounter and experience book objects.
The readings are organized and curated by AB Gorham and Aaron Cohick. Readers are selected through open calls and are paid for their labor. Submissions for readings are currently closed.